Wednesday, June 11, 2014

On the way... Brussels

We began our day by stumbling on St. Michel's (above), which was splendid, and we branched out into the rest of the city throughout the day...
This is in the Grande Place at the center of Brussels where we spent the day walking around and exploring as we wait to get to bed in preparation for our flight to Nairobi the next morning.  It as a pitch-perfect day of puffy clouds on a blue sky, 75 degree temperatured environment.  We slept at the Sheraton at the airport because Brussels Air said we had to stay with the bags we are taking to Kenya.  Bizarre, but the airlines put us up at the hotel, and we took the train into the city,a hilly conglomeration of very old and very new architecture.  Ate lunch at a Moroccan restaurant run by a Muslim family, all of whom sat around a large round table inside for a meal as we finished our salads and my coffee at an outside table.

Michelle tells me that I will have little access to the Internet while we are visiting the schools and staying in the dorms (!), but I shall play it as it rolls and see...  This may be my one and only post.

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